For all recreational and commercial vessels navigating the U.S. intracoastal waterways and the Great Lakes
The complete Inland Navigation Rules for all US Inland waters and the Great Lakes is an indispensable reference app for boaters. It contains essential information for those navigating U.S. coastal waters, rivers, canals and lakes.
The inland waterways of the United States include more than 25,000 mi of navigable waters – and certain laws and regulations apply to users of these waters. This app gives quick, easy-to-view reference and is also a great learning tool.
With 100+ specially produced explanatory illustrations and captions. For all boaters.
Anyone who is responsible for a vessel, from the smallest dinghy to an ocean going freighter, must be able to recognize other vessels around them by day or night, whatever the visibility. They need to be able to quickly interpret what other vessels are doing, who has right of way and what action they should take to prevent a possible collision. This is not always easy, especially along crowded rivers, narrow channels, in harbors or in poor visibility.
US Inland Navigation Rules features 100+ specially produced explanatory illustrations and captions. It also includes the complete Inland Rules of the Road plus Annexes and relevant regulations for waterways users, including the COLREGS Demarcation Lines that separate the International and Inland Navigation Rules around the U.S. coastlines.
While the Inland Rules are similar to the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, there are important differences which need to be understood by both professional and leisure boaters.
A bonus illustrated section includes emergency procedures for boaters in difficulty.
Features and Benefits:
- For quick reference, easy learning & revision
- Over 100 custom made graphics with clear, concise captions
- Researched and produced by nautical and marine experts for accuracy
- Tested and evaluated by professionals for reliability
- Bonus emergency procedures section.
Detailed description:
The complete Inland Navigation Rules for the United States includes Parts A, B, C, D and E, plus Annexes, Interpretative Rules and other associated Navigation Regulations.
Rules of the Road [FULLY ILLUSTRATED] for quick reference and easy learning:
- Steering & Sailing Rules
- Lights & Shapes
- Sound & Light Signals
The complete rules as follows:
- Exemptions
- Annex I – Positioning and Technical Details of Lights and Shapes
- Annex II – Additional Signals for Fishing Vessels Fishing in Close Proximity
- Annex III – Technical Details of Sound Appliances
- Annex IV – Distress Signals [ILLUSTRATED]
- Annex V – Pilot Signals
- Interpretive Rules
- COLREGS DEMARCATION LINES – detailed information of the lines of jurisdiction that separate the Inland and International Rules, as indicated on National Ocean Service navigation charts
- Alternative Compliance
- Waters upon which Inland Rules apply
- Vessel Bridge to Bridge Radiotelephone Regulations
- Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) Call Signs, Designated Frequencies, and Monitoring Areas
- Penalty Provisions
FREE Bonus Content from “Safe Skipper“
Safety Afloat Tips & Advice on Emergency Procedures for all Sailors and Leisure Boaters.
- Safety information & practical tips
- Specially created custom graphics: illustrations, photos & diagrams
- Advice on emergency procedures
- Stay safe and prevent accidents happening
- Written & illustrated by a qualified & experienced yachtsman
Reviews by users of this app:
“This is ideal. Very comprehensive info which makes it ideal for me to learn and lookup everything I need on a trip – rules, lights, sound signals and loads more. So much better than my printed manuals. Thanks!”
“Highly recommend this App, get it on your iPhone or iPad today”
“This app is full of really useful info for anyone going to sea (or inland waterways…). It’s presented really well, and has some good graphics. Can’t believe just how much they’ve packed in. Recommended.”
“A well written and detailed app for yachts & inland craft also quite useful for ocean going vessels – well done.”
“This is very good I reckon. I wanted something for easy and quick reference when boating, as well as being able to do some revision when at home.”
Special thanks to Captain Richard J. Rodriguez, U.S. Coast Guard licensed Master and Director of Operations at Zenith Maritime for his helpful advice and recommendations.
Rule 5 – Look-Out
Rule 6 – Safe Speed
Rule 7 – Risk of Collision
Rule 8 – Action to Avoid Collision
Rule 9 – Narrow Channels
Rule 10 – Traffic Separation Schemes | Vessel Traffic Services
Rule 12 – Sailing Vessels
Rule 13 – Overtaking
Rule 14 – Head-on Situation
Rule 15 – Crossing Situation
Rule 16 – Action by Give-way Vessel
Rule 17 – Action by Stand-on Vessel
Rule 18 – Responsibilities Between Vessels
Rule 21 – Definitions (Navigation Lights Arcs of Visibility)
Rule 22 – Visibility of Lights
Rule 23 – Power-driven Vessels Underway
Rule 24 – Towing and Pushing
Rule 25 – Sailing Vessels Underway and Vessels Under Oars
Rule 26 – Fishing Vessels
Rule 27 – Vessels Not Under Command or Restricted in Their Ability to Maneuver
Rule 28 – Vessels Constrained by Their Draft
Rule 29 – Pilot Vessels
Rule 30 – Anchored Vessels and Vessels Aground
Rule 31 – Seaplanes

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