by Safe Skipper | Boat Handling, Communications, Crewing skills, Emergencies, Navigation, Preparation, Yacht ownership
“Boating in fog is a test of patience and trust. You have to trust your instruments, your crew, and your own instincts.” Mental preparation is just as important as physical preparation Sailing or Motor Boating in limited visibility, whether due to...
by Simon Jollands | Communications, Crewing skills, Navigation, Preparation
Following on from previous posts concerning traditional navigation methods, this post looks at some traditional methods used for fixing a vessel’s position at sea, within sight of land. Electronic fixes using chart plotters are very straightforward to record,...
by Simon Jollands | Communications, Crewing skills, Navigation, Preparation
In a recent post we discussed the importance of being able to estimate your position at sea if the vessel’s GPS fails. In this post we go a little further with a reminder of how we go about estimating and plotting our position using traditional methods, when out...
by Simon Jollands | Crewing skills, Navigation, Preparation
Most sailors today rely on GPS to find their way at sea. While GPS has helped to make finding your way at sea far easier than in the past, sailors still need to study charts before they embark on a passage and to use them en route to check and record their progress....
by Simon Jollands | Communications, Crewing skills, Navigation, Preparation
Navigators use a combination of techniques to estimate their position at sea. The primary method used today is GPS (Global Positioning System), a network of 24 satellites that became fully operational in the 1990s and was originally restricted for use by the United...